Sunday, December 7, 2008's cold!

But family events keep our hearts warm, like.....
Angela getting her mission call. It was so fun. She opened her big white envelope, saw where her call was to and then wrote five places on a white board, one of which was where she was going. She wrote Australia, Wisconsin, Uraguay, Temple Square and Paris, France. It was exciting to think that one of those places was actually where she would be going! We'd guess and then she'd cross one off that wasn't where her call was to. Then we'd all guess again. Finally, Temple Square and Paris were left. She crossed off Paris...Temple Square is her mission and she reports Feb. 18th. We are all so happy for her!

It was great to have Jana and family share the day before Thanksgiving with us. We loved having them here even if it was just for a day. It was so sweet to go out the next day to the tree Lindsey had been playing in and see a doll with the doll clothes hung from a tree branch. I couldn't take it down for a few days it was so cute. Thanksgiving was pleasant with Harold and Trish, Margaret and Nathan here. Our pasture was the setting for the Primary's picture taking for the ward's Christmas party's slide show. We had angels, shepherds. wisemen and of course baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph gracing our fields. It was pretty special and the kids were all so good.Geronimo provided some side entertainment which the boys thought was real cool: catching and eating a mouse.
Joe is really enjoying a couple of additions to our family. Abbie is a two year old, hopefully pregnant, guernsey cow.And, Big Red, who is really big at 16+ hands, is a eight year old Tennessee Walker. Growing up, every Christmas Joe would ask for a horse. Finally....he has got his horse for Christmas!
We had fun with Angela and Jeff recently as Joe took the truck and flatbed trailer and was one of the drivers for the student stake's winter hayride. The kids caroled and delivered Christmas baskets.
And it is always GREAT to be with Joe, Allison and family and Derek and Aubree for Sunday dinner which we did tonight.

We miss Darren though, who left for Texas a couple of weeks ago. He was a tremendous help getting farm life going. We are happy for Grant as he finished up his student teaching a week ago and was fortunate to immediately start a full-time job teaching eighth grade science. Julie should be home for Christmas....She reports that Seattle has a foot of snow. We hope that won't keep her from being able to fly home !