Sunday, March 15, 2009


The family all gathered at Joe and Allison's that evening to watch him open his mission call. Jeff opened the envelope, saw where he was going and then wrote names of missions on a paper, one of which was his mission. As we guessed which one we thought is was, he'd cross off names of missions. It was pretty exciting! Finally, he got down to where Leeds, England, Tirana, Albania and Buenos Aires, Argentina were left....He crossed off England,

and then Albania to show us HIS mission...Argentina! He is excited to go overseas and now happy he took those two years of Spanish in high school. He enters the MTC in Provo on July 1st. CONGRADULATIONS JEFF!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Horses and Bees...

This past weekend, we went to Yakima and traded Joe's horse in for another "model"! The lady we have been working with has been so good to help Joe find the right horse. Major League All Star (Major for short) is going to work out just fine. He's a little smaller and definately calmer than Joe's other horse. He and Brenda took a trail ride and Major did just great. Joe's happy!We stopped by Joe and Allison's to show the grandkids the new horse. He liked all the attention.

I have been asked to be in charge of girls camp this year. We just have the Beehives as the older girls are going on a Trek. In getting ready for our first camp meeting for the ward leaders, I had Jennabee come help me make a cake. She did a great job of cracking all four eggs.

The finished "Bee cake" made by Jennabee!

Jennabee had fun playing with my Bee decorations for the meeting. We had a great time together! Thanks for your help Jennabee!