Sunday, March 15, 2009


The family all gathered at Joe and Allison's that evening to watch him open his mission call. Jeff opened the envelope, saw where he was going and then wrote names of missions on a paper, one of which was his mission. As we guessed which one we thought is was, he'd cross off names of missions. It was pretty exciting! Finally, he got down to where Leeds, England, Tirana, Albania and Buenos Aires, Argentina were left....He crossed off England,

and then Albania to show us HIS mission...Argentina! He is excited to go overseas and now happy he took those two years of Spanish in high school. He enters the MTC in Provo on July 1st. CONGRADULATIONS JEFF!!!


gillian said...

Jeff! That's GREAT. I'm so excited that you'll be speaking espanol! (even if it's with that funny accent they have down in Argentina...) You'll be such a good missionary.